63rd Fighter Squadron Ground Crew
Photos: Capt J. McGarrigle via Peter Randall, John Barnes Jr. and Heather Johnson
Hover your mouse over each picture for more information - Click on each picture for the larger image
More photos to be added soon
John Barnes and Unknown 63rd

John Barnes and Unknown 63rd

John Barnes Arrowed 63rd

John Barnes Arrowed 63rd

John Barnes 63rd

John Barnes 63rd

James Macauley. Courtesy of Heather Johnson Collection.jpg

James Macauley. Courtesy of Heather Johnson Collection.jpg

Davis Lt Albert H 63rd

Davis Lt Albert H 63rd

Eberson Sgt Bernard A 63rd FS

Eberson Sgt Bernard A 63rd FS

Gyidick, Barnes, Unknown, Unknown

Gyidick, Barnes, Unknown, Unknown

Hellmuth Lt George J 63rd

Hellmuth Lt George J 63rd

Moore Lt Walter T 63rd

Moore Lt Walter T 63rd

Sayers Capt Joseph H - Doc- 63rd Flight Surgeon

Sayers Capt Joseph H - Doc- 63rd Flight Surgeon

Thierry Lt Theodore R 63rd

Thierry Lt Theodore R 63rd

Verhusen Lt Ben L 63rd

Verhusen Lt Ben L 63rd

Washburn Lt Richard B 63rd

Washburn Lt Richard B 63rd

Woods Capt William M 63rd Medic

Woods Capt William M 63rd Medic

Carmachan Lt Robert S 63rd

Carmachan Lt Robert S 63rd

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